AOC Solutions has proven ability to produce your OMEL quickly and professionally for all aircraft types using both

  • the MMEL in addition to operator experience with previous Permissible Unserviceability’s, and;
  • in a companywide document including all aircraft types you operate.

This proven method offers you the following benefits:

  1. Ease of revision with a full compliance matrix based on the MMEL with any operator deviations from the MMEL readily apparent to expedite CASA or CAR30 delegate review and approval, this leads to reduced approval costs.
  2. Safety cases provided to justify operator specific OMEL items.
  3. Using the matrix, a simple way for the HAAMC to ascertain what impact (if any) changes to CASA of NAA regulations will have, ensuring a rapid OMEL review at the periods prescribed by you.
  4. A common preamble for your entire fleet which can be rolled out incrementally.
  5. Smart publication methods for aircraft print copies that only includes relevant information for the applicable type it is being published if you prefer paper based (non-EFB) solutions..
  6. Optimised for EFB applications with ‘I want to…’ buttons to ensure the document is easily accessible and minimise the chance of error in applying an OMEL for an incorrect aircraft type.
  7. Customised operator MEL training products to suit your operation. Refer to Computer Based Training.